Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Camper

Had a good weekend of camping... other than the rain that came at 4 a.m. early Sunday morning and has yet to quit. At some point, my shoes, tent, tarp, sleeping bag and everything else will need to dry out.

There was also that race thrown into the mix Saturday. It was rough going. We spent 7.5 hours making wrong turns and missing trails in southern Indiana. One of these days, I'm going to put more emphasis on going the right way rather than going fast the wrong way. There were a couple of critical mistakes that were made and we paid for it. With these races, mistakes tend to snowball. They cost you time, energy and worst of all, patience. But one of these days, we'll figure it out. The winners didn't look a day under 40... so we've got time.

Jackson Washington State Forest was the site of the start, as well as where we camped. It was a great place. Very nice. A good weekend all around. I wish the race had gone different. The race may have gotten the best of me, but the hills didn't.

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