Thursday, January 7, 2010


So I need to rephrase something I posted earlier this week. I stated, blindly, that I liked running in the snow. Let me clarify: I like to run when it's snowing. Completely different from running in the snow.

I headed out to Antrim Lake early this morning with my "screw" shoes in tow, prepared to... I don't know... frolic along the snow-covered pond for an hour and a half or until I got tired. What I actually did was struggle through one of the toughest runs in recent memory.

The snow was more like sand than actual snow. The weather's been so cold since it initially fell that there wasn't any melting/refreezing to condense it so the snow wasn't really packed down... it was just flatter than what hadn't been walked on yet. I'm sure the screw shoes helped some, but it didn't really feel like it. I was ready to hang it up after the first lap (1.18mi).

So one might look at the situation, elect to make today a short run and go about the business of a long run tomorrow morning on some cleared streets. That wasn't going to happen. I drove up there, said I was going to do at least 10 laps and dammit, I was going to do 10 laps and because I had disrespected running in the snow, I was going to throw in an 11th lap to teach me a lesson. So, 13 miles later, I  finished with some new found respect for Mama Nature. I shain't do it again.

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