Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today, while walking to work, I caught site of a behemoth street vacuuming but not really vacuuming cart appartus. I could go on and on about these damn things. I can't stand them. I hate that it makes the city that employs them as well as operators at the wheel look lazy, stupid and wasteful. Do yourself a favor the next time you see one downtown... follow it. Follow it and see just how much trash they don't pick up. Follow it to see the process involved with picking up a cigarette butt. Mind blowing.

I happened to follow this waste of space on the left for about seven blocks. I was rewarded when it met up with a fellow waste of space on the right... and even more rewarded that the demolition of a parking garage was taking place across the street. I probably could've taken their pictures outright, but felt better about faking them out.

What bothers me the most are those that must've felt like this was such a good idea or the people working for the city are cool with running through the gas and oil required to keep these running... so long as it keeps the street sweepers off their asses right? Maybe I'm wrong, but they're not giving me much of a reason to think otherwise. Not only that, but what does one of these things cost? I can't imagine they're all that cheap. Even when morals skipped town in the U.S. long ago, you would've thought common sense would've hung in there... put up the good fight. Not so friends. This is just a fraction of the proof.

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