Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nasty on Nasty

Ms. Jolie packed a 1-2 punch this week with snow and ice. I was lucky enough to have the use of Erica's car yesterday as her offices were shut down. It's all downhill to my office so the lack of clean streets wasn't much of a problem. But it was back to the bike this morning. There really isn't a bike rack to speak of and I'd rather not keep it outside as the gears tend to freeze up pretty easily... so I park it in my office, by my desk. This has to absolutely piss the maintenance folks off to no end. Each morning, I get a freshly mopped floor to park my melting bike on. I feel bad enough that I've begun to put forests of napkins under the tires and main gear in an attempt to keep the ponds that form at bay.

As for the ride... it's not so bad. A little more taxing on the brain as you're constantly looking at that road, but the bike has as much of a desire to stay upright as you. And whereas I like to keep my weight towards the back of the bike in dry, tricky conditions, it helps me to put my weight in the front of the bike on the snow. It enables the bike to plow through the ruts from car tires and plows. So there's some advice from your old friend, Tyler. Or I could just get a car like everyone else and I wouldn't have to worry about it. But I've been told that I have to wait until after the wedding. I wonder how long it would take to get to Cinci. Hmm... I could do a Columbus to Cincinnati triathalon. Bike 70, run 25 and swim the rest of the way down the Little Miami River.

But back to the matter at hand... after this month, I wonder how much of a punch winter has left.

1 comment:

bshawise said...

throw some chains on them wheels.